Dear Wise Earth, 

We thank you for the loving Life-giving force you are and have been for billions of years.

Endless expressions in awe and full of wonder have been made and will continue to be made of your beauty, diversity, richness, vitality, nourishment, intelligence, health, interconnectedness, abundance, harmony, and regenerative capacities. We are honored to be part of you. 

There is a strong intention and stream of consciousness moving humanity to unleash its potential for love, Life and light, ready to realign and reintegrate to you and to the billions of other precious species on Earth (Gaia).

We know a more elevated reality is already in the making, where thriving is possible for all of Life, including humanity; and where (this letter´s) distinction between you and we no longer exists. 

Our organization will, to the best of its ability, honor you in the following ways: 1. Sensing: sensing, listening, and being receptive to what is continuously emerging. 2. Being in service of Life by responding to that sensing, which still tells us to embrace our role in the evolution of the planet: To serve Life. Bringing indigenous wisdom and our most advanced and intelligent scientific knowledge, technologies, structures and resources ready to be activated in service to Life. 3. Creating Conditions Conducive to Life> heartedly learning about and applying the ways you create conditions conducive to Life and making sure the expression of Life is elevated and manifested in and through the projects we develop; and in and through ourselves individually and our organization as we work on those projects

Seriously yours,

All DWE Ecosystem Members

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Dear Wise Earth’s purpose is to elevate and steward the collective effort towards the creation of resilient systems that promote life on Earth.