The Wisdom of Place.

Let Your Landscape Do The Talking For You.

Through the power of compelling, Life-centered storytelling we help systems change visionaries reach full alignment with investors and the ecosystems they are passionate about.

Systemic Change Starts
With a New Narrative.

Unlike other fund-raising partners we let the landscape do the talking.

That means our solutions go far deeper than just building websites and social media campaigns. Through truly transformational storytelling we harness the power of nature and indigenous wisdom — “The Wisdom of Place” — to train your team so you can spend more time with your family watching nature unleash the full regenerative potential of your landscape.

Need Help Evolving Systems?

Nobody said saving the world (or at least the world as we know it) would be easy. The clock seems to be set to fast forward as you battle with complexity, struggle with scarcity and face an endless list of things to do to keep your team aligned and on track to bring about the systemic change you want to see unfold where it matters most to you.

You are Not Alone

There are others, like you, that believe it’s not too late to avoid handing over a cataclysmic future to our children. We understand, like you, that if we work with nature, if we put Life back at center, then we have all the tools we need to put our planet back into balance.

If Only…

If only nature — and those that know it best — could speak to us, share with us the answers to all of our problems?

Unleash Regeneration

Imagine unleashing the regenerative power that comes with having everyone in your ecosystem truly aligned, a transformative team inspired by one story, a story formed by listening to the landscape. Can you feel how wonderful it will be when you unlock the effortless abundance of nature?

All you need to do is tap into the unfailing Wisdom of Place.

One thread that weaves many stories!

Dear Wise Earth’s storytelling team navigates landscapes to shape the kind of universally compelling narratives that unite organizations — like yours — around regenerative stories and meaningful myths that motivate. By listening and learning from your landscape we unlock powerful lessons from Life that will help align your ecosystem and attract the benefactors, philanthropists and other stakeholders with the financial and non financial resources you need to bring about deep, systemic change.


What if you could count on a proven communications team that won’t just take the lead in crafting the narrative and stories that deepen your connection with existing benefactors but will also convert your biggest fans into prolific pollinators for your place? Embrace the edge effect and watch as your investors help you to sow the seeds your system needs to flourish.


Tired of the trials of entropy within your system? Rather than having to constantly ask for more help imagine if you could plug into the unquestionable Wisdom of Place and unleash a tried and tested way to thank your supporters with a gift they will love. The Wisdom of Place is the gift that keeps on giving, cascading through your ecosystem and releasing the effortless abundance that can be seen everywhere in nature.


Why work with marketeers that don’t understand living systems when you can work with talent that believes wholeheartedly in the importance of reciprocity? Surely its better to co-create with people that will not only deliver the ingredients you need to craft compelling fund-raising campaigns but will also train your team on how to convert stories into impact throughout your organization and your ecosystem at the same time?

  • “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

    Chinese Proverb

  • “Life creates conditions conducive to life”

    Janine Benyus

  • “Choose only one master - Nature.”


The Wisdom of Place.

Our solution to your problem is to place a talented team of storytellers, a group at the very top of the game, at the heart of your organization.

Their co-creation with “The Wisdom of Place™” will leave behind a trail of invaluable by-products: website content, social media campaigns, newsletters, podcasts and other digital content created across all formats tailored for the world’s most influential audience.

Our focus on working closely with Nature and with local and indigenous wisdom to bring the lessons of the landscape to the center will allow your organization to adopt self-organizing qualities and unleash its regenerative potential.

How it Works.

  1. Chapter One // Diagnosis. An introductory phase, listening and learning from your leadership team about the landscape. We spend enough time with the people driving your organization to understand what is to be discovered.

  2. Chapter Two // Discovery. This is where our team explores how much your ecosystem has already learned from the lessons of the landscape. At this stage we will carry out the first assessment scan of place and the potential your organization has to unleash regeneration. A new narrative starts to form that is informed by the “Wisdom of Place™”.

  3. Chapter Three // Co-creation Building on the emerging narrative, the co-creation phase takes place with the human and non-human personas that compose the landscape including your organization. This stage involves actions and feedback loops that strengthen the Wisdom of Place within those stewarding the ecosystem so that they can self-align to the lessons of the landscape.

  4. Chapter Four // The Edge Effect This phase involves bringing other stakeholders into play. These could include existing benefactors, new benefactors and impact investors. We also look at how to engage with other ecosystems, to create alignment with those that seek to interact with the landscape and reduce entropy. We achieve this through compelling storytelling.

  5. Chapter Five // Gauging Change One year later we re-visit the Wisdom of Place to see what has emerged from the process.

  6. Chapter Six // The Story Continues…


Why Work With Us?

  • We're a small business with a big agency skillset, which keeps us agile and affordable, without compromising on quality.

  • When it comes to fund-raising, we know the only way to deliver truly outstanding results is to specialize, which is why we only work with systems change investors seeking to unleash regeneration at an industry or bioregional scale.

  • We only take on clients once we’re certain we can generate a positive impact and that working with us will be an investment in the future success of the organization, not a painful expense you'll live to regret.

  • We understand the complexities of fund-raising for systemic change but also understand the key to unlocking abundance in this field is alignment. We know how to unlock finance for each exploration of “Wisdom of Place”.

  • Top tip: Your benefactors will love this so much they will pay for it not you.

We have a shared belief that the world we gift to our children doesn’t need to be worse than the one we inherited from our parents. This comes with an unwavering commitment to socio-environmental regeneration and the search for better, healthier stories.

Like you, we understand the need for a new narrative. For the sake of our children, we need to find new heroes, new artists, new experiences, new dreams or ways of being on earth, simply because we care about the future we are collectively weaving for everyone.

Want to get truly aligned with your landscape?

Contact us today to learn how Dear Wise Earth can support you on your mission to reach full alignment with your investors and the ecosystems that you are passionate about.