DWE Courses for Regenerative Agents

Courses to build the needed capacity to provide further accompaniment to the growing number of transitioning organizations around the world.

Join one of our courses

based on the Earth Wisdom Approach™

  • Intro to Regenerative Development

    Share the possibilities held within the regenerative paradigm, and learn how to open paths for those who seek to embody a regenerative mindset and start the transition.

  • Understanding Evolving Organizations

    Identify potential high-level feasible changes that need to happen within an organization to provide en-point guidance to be better prepared to become a regenerative company in terms of organizational structure, governance, and business practices.

  • Regen Journey Facilitator

    Sense and Provide along the Journey. Understand the DWE Wisdom Toolset so you can provide state-of-the-art training programs using the Earth Wisdom Approach® to individuals, sustainability teams and across all levels of any organization.