Amazonian Success Stories.

[Issue #1, September 29, 2023]


One System Changing

Deforestation in Brazil’s rainforest slowing considerably Good news from Brazil with a political transformation that has helped cut deforestation in its Amazon rainforest by 48% so far this year.

NPE’s deforestation alert system - DETER - points to forest clearing in Brazil’s section of the Amazon of 563 square kilometers in August 2023, a 66% decline that follows a similar year-on-year decline in July. The improvements have taken deforestation to its lowest levels in six years.

Leaders from Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Suriname and Venezuela met in Belém in August to discuss the gains and map out plans to reduce these numbers further.

”Although the declaration lacks specific goals and dates, it is revolutionary for the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization,” says Dr Martin von Hildebrand of August’s meeting. “It opens up to the participation of indigenous peoples, civil society, the scientific world; it includes new fundamental topics such as social and eco-systemic connectivity in the Amazon, socio-bioeconomics or non-extractive economic alternatives, security which is the most important issue, and many more. The central objective is to avoid the point of no return, reduce deforestation, restoration, and adaptation.”

Learn more about the systems change happening in the Amazon: Mongabay.

Hear Dr. Martin Von Hildebrand talk about myths and storytelling and their importance for bringing about change in the Amazon, tune in to Dear Wise Earth: Talks


Two Wise Words
Channeling local and indigenous wisdom to keep us all well-informed.

"Although they comprise less than 5% of the world population, Indigenous peoples protect 80% of the Earth’s biodiversity in the forests, deserts, grasslands, and marine environments in which they have lived for centuries,” —Kanyinke Sena, Director of the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee

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“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” — Chief Si’ahl, Duwamish Native American leader.

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Three Lessons from Nature
Tapping into non-human creativity to put life back at the center of our own systems.

Lesson #1: "It's not actually about making nature the metaphor, it's really about understanding nature as model and mentor.” — Janine Benyus

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Lesson #2: "Nature's rules are there for all to see: species that overshoot the carrying capacities of their niches suffer and die. We humans are not exempt.” — Donella Meadows

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Lesson #3: “The creature that wins against its environment destroys itself,” — Gregory Bateson.

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This is Four You.
A little reciprocity.

Learn to Wrestle with Complexity
“We are walking out of a past that can no longer sustain us and into a future that is yet to be born,” — Alexander Beiner

Wrestle with the overwhelming complexity of the meta-crisis in a new 9-week immersive online course guided by Alexander Beiner, author of The Bigger Picture and one of the founders of Rebel Wisdom podcast. New Ways of Knowing will give you the tools, theories and practices to help you re-orient your sensemaking, and deepen your connectedness to other people and the world. Early Bird tickets are available until September 28.

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A Little Reciprocity Goes a Long Way Contact us if you have something you would like us to share with our audience.


A High Five to Someone Special

A Love Letter from our Co-Founder, Carolina Fernandez-Jansink

Dear Wise Earth,

Your vast oceans, majestic mountains, and lush forests have provided for me. For us. I pledge to honor, respect, and work towards healing the scars we've inflicted upon you. It's a promise, not just as gratitude, but as a testament to our symbiotic bond.

What are you grateful for? Let us know so we can share with our audience of 1,000+ systems change visionaries, brands with a plan and billionaires that care.

Whenever You're Ready, Here's How We “Help the Helpers”:

1. Discover the potent combination of indigenous wisdom and biomimicry so that you can tune in to your landscape. Start with a free consultation on the Wisdom of Place.

2. Elevate your mission and reach our audience by sponsoring our newsletter or podcast.

3. Dive deep into a truly, transformative encounter with nature. Explore our upcoming gatherings in remarkable locations around the world.

Thank you for joining us on this journey.

Until next week, remember – every step towards positive change counts.

P.S. Want to learn more about the intersection of indigenous wisdom and biomimicry ? Follow the Dear Wise Earth team on Twitter and LinkedIn.


Franz Allmayer talks about DHOs