Unleashing Regeneration in the

Luxury Fashion Industry

A Program Sponsored by:

Rita von Hildebrand

Decoding what Regenerative Luxury must look like

Can a Purpose-driven luxury brand bring regenerative powers to the luxury market? Can a market that is defined by scarcity, exclusive by design, and has contributed to inequality, transform itself to become a market in service of life and generate socio-environmental inclusion and equity across all levels? Join us in answering these and other deep questions regarding the power and role Luxury Fashion has to play in Protecting Nature, Restoring Ecosystems, and Regenerating its Industry.

Bringing talent together to redefine our collective sense of Luxury.

Dear Wise Earth aims to consolidate a task force to explore the intersection of Regenerative Principles and luxury brands, in the search of unleashing untapped regenerative potential and revaluating our collective sense of luxury.

Program Regenerators

  • Rita von Hildebrand


  • Laura Storm (TBC)


  • Carolina Fernandez-Jansink


About the Program

Why the Luxury Fashion Industry?

Growing population, biodiversity loss, freshwater contamination, social injustice, climate migration, and soil depletion are only some of the degenerative results of the fashion industry. With Luxury being the highest reference in the industry, it is potentially the best social acupuncture point to address in order to unleash regenerative flows through the whole system.

Who is it for?

This is entirely up to the Sponsors. The online public sessions can hold groups of up to 20 guest participants, who are invited to participate in the sessions and contribute their wisdom in the process. Expect a variety of attendants from within and beyond the industry.

What does it consist of?

The Research Phase is carried out by the Dear Wise Earth Research & Media team, with the support of the Honorary Braintrust to identify the current status of the industry’s landscape.

Comprised of a series of 5 Open Sessions and reinforced by 3 Private Sessions for Sponsors, the Collaborative Capacity Building Phase will be held online and hosted by Dear Wise Earth.

Where and When will it take place?

Sessions take place online over Zoom, spanning a period of 5 weeks. With one Open Session per week and 3 Private Sessions in between.

How can I be part of it?

You can join as a Sponsor and have your organization support the program. This will give you the chance to create the guest list and invite a variety of stakeholders from your organization and industry. Alternatively, you may participate as an invitee or part of the team.

What to expect as a result?

This program is designed to hold space for emergence. We use a series of collaborative tools, communications channels, and content creation that allow fluid and agile communication and bring life to the center of all conversations as a result. Innovation, inspiration, and a sense of wholeness are expected to be experienced through the process.

Honorary Braintrust

  • Connecting with figures of the Regen-Movement.

  • Inviting a variety of talents to the conversation.

  • Harvesting collective wisdom.

  • Promoting and sharing research.

  • Getting updated and leveling up stakeholders & teams.

Looking for co-Sponsors interested in: